The bibliographic materials on this site have been arranged as follows:
Alphabetically by
There are
currently around 170 references arranged by the surname of the author
By geographical
materials are broadly categorised by the geographical location on which they
The research
bibliography consists of references to both multiage and multigrade literature.
The following key words have been used to search the literature: multigrade, multiage, mixed age, combination class, multiple class, vertical grouping, small schools, rural schools, single teacher
schools.Each reference in
the bibliography has a link from the surname of the author to an annotation for
the reference. Click on the link to go to the annotation.
Many of the articles and books referenced in this annotated bibliography are available in print in the Institute of Education Library - search the IOE library catalogue using the key word 'multiple classes'.
Annotations have been
written by the following authors:
Sheila Aikman (SA)
Patricia Ames (PA)
Laetitia Antonowicz (LA)
Chris Berry (CB)
Nicole Blum (NB)
Eleanore Hargreaves (EH)
Jurie Jubert (JJ)
Jalal Wali Khan (JWK)
Sultan Ali Khan (SAK)
Angela Little (AL)
Pat Pridmore (PP)
Ruth Regalado
Takako Suzuki (TS)
Manjula Vithanapathirana (MV)
Son Vu (SV)
This is a working
document. We welcome contributions from others who use this website.